
Updated at 03/03/22 14:38

Diploma Dispatch Procedures:

Note: According to CEPEC Resolution 1403, the deadline will be up to 45 (forty-five) days, after the defense, to submit the diploma applications, with the student submitting the final version with corrections OR NOT. This deadline must be respected without fail. This will put an end to diploma applications made much later than the defense, when the difficulties of filing the documentation hinder the diploma dispatch. In addition, the procedure aims to contribute to the prompt progress of the reports in the Sucupira Platform.      

Step # 1 : Upon approval, the student should make the following adjustments to the final version of the dissertation / thesis: a) Make the corrections / changes suggested by the examining board; b) If the commission makes any suggestion of title change, the same should be done also in the Defense Sheet where is the Commission Member's signature. The title contained in the "Minutes of Defense" must be the same of that on the copy to be delivered and on all other documents to be delivered;

Step # 2 : According to the new procedures adopted by PRPG, the student should send directly to the Central Library 1 (one) digital copy of the dissertation (pdf), containing the “Scanned Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Publication Authorization Term" as well as one (1) metadata form . You will no longer need to send a printed copy to PRPG. The e-mail to send this documentation is: tesesdissertacoes.bc@ufg.br .   

 ** How to publish theses and dissertations on the BDTD, as provided by BC at https://www.bc.ufg.br/n/33055-procedimentos-para-envio-das-eses-e-dissertacoes-para-publicacao-na -bdtd; for the English version please see in sequence:

BDTD is Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations at UFG, which was established in 2006 under Resolution CEPEC No. 832 (click here to see this resolution).

From July 25, 2016, the Library System will receive thesis and dissertation only in digital format and by email.

Below it is provided a checklist for the student or graduate program, in order to in sequence they send by email the thesis or dissertation to subsequently receive the Dissertation / Thesis Receipt Voucher.


[ ] download TECA, fill in, print out and afterwards must be signed by the student and the advisor, then scanned again and saved in pdf. Note: Signatures pasted from images will not be accepted. Download TECA here.    

[ ] Check if the title of the work that appears on the cover, TECA, cover page and catalog card are identical to the title that appears in the minutes of defense (pay close attention to cases where the examining commission changed the title of the work). The title approved by the commission always prevails.   

[ ] check very carefully the final version of the thesis or dissertation and generate a PDF of this version containing the first pages in the following order: 1st Cover, 2nd TECA, 3rd Cover Sheet, 4th Catalog Sheet, 5th Minute of Defense.   

[ ] check if the dissertation / thesis file is in PDF format, without the use of password and smaller than 75MB.     

[ ] download the Metadata Form, fill in word and save in word or PDF (in this case be careful to save the PDF so that the text remains selectable and copyable). Download the form here .   

[ ] send an e-mail to tesesdissertacoes.bc@ufg.br using the subject: Dissertação_Student 's Name_ Program Abbreviation or Thesis_Student 's Name_ Program Abbreviation, containing the 2 files: 1st PDF of the thesis or dissertation, checked and organized according to previous orientations; 2nd Metadata Form, completed according to the previous guidelines.       

[ ] receive the Dissertation / Thesis receipt confirmation by the return of the email sent to the address: tesesdissertacoes.bc@ufg.br.    

[ ] If the procedure is performed by the student, he / she must send the Dissertation / Thesis Receipt Proof to his / her graduate program, where he / she will be sent for the diploma dispatch.    


- The deadline for the library to send the Dissertation / Thesis receipt confirmation is eight (8) business days from the date of sending the student's e-mail containing the two correctly generated files. 

- Theses and dissertations in which the student does not authorize the publication must be nevertheless sent to the library, which will be embargoed and archived in a non-public place. In these cases, remember to mark “no” in the document release authorization in TECA.

- Notice to graduate programs in which the secretariat is responsible for submitting theses and dissertations: documents regarding separate defenses must be sent in separate emails.

- The procedures for generating the catalog card have not been changed. The catalog card, which is printed on the back of the cover page and should be made when the book, thesis or dissertation is in print. This form is mandatory for legal deposit purposes, both for printed and digital material. Questions to respect the plug Cataloging should be sent to the protecbcufg@gmail.com or by phone: (62) 3521-1229.  

For the internal community of UFG (undergraduate and graduate students, including EAD students, technical-administrative server and professor) the service is performed by filling the data directly by the author in the cataloging program. This program makes the correct formatting of the data, making available to the author the standardized form, in a pdf file, which is available for download and / or printing. Before you start making plug Cataloging read the instructions to elaborate the cataloging sheet.

To prepare the catalog form follow the steps below:

a) disable pop- up blocker (see here as);  

b) CLICK HERE to access the program and generate the form electronically;   

c) Fill in all the required fields and, when finished, click on "Submit";

d) The system will provide you with the completed form in pdf format , which can be printed or downloaded

e) Insert the form on the back of the cover page of your work.

For the whole community: Please contact us at (62) 3521-1229 or by protecbcufg@gmail.com.   

- The procedures for issuing the Nothing Statement have not been changed. This is a document issued by libraries stating that the user shall not owe informational material or penalty to the UFG Library System. It must be taken in person from anybody of the Sibi/UFG libraries. It is valid for 30 days from issue. It can be taken by someone with the full name of the person concerned, since there are no issues to be resolved. This docuemnt is used in application processes for issuance of: educational institution transfer; undergraduate degree; certificates of specialization, masters and doctorate; retirement process, organ transfer and others.

For questions please contact the Technology Resources Management (GRT) by email: grtsibi@gmail.com or by phone: (62) 3521-1183 / (62) 3521-1279.

Step # 3: Upon receipt of the receipt of the dissertation / thesis from the library, the student must present in person at the secretariat and also forward to the program secretariat email (ppgq.iq@ufg.br), the following documents (in pdf format):  

- Final version (received by the library) of the thesis / dissertation;

- Proof of the dissertation/thesis receipt by the Library (according to the guidelines of step 2);

- ID and CPF (and passport, for foreign students). CNH or professional identification documents that do not contain the ID and CPF data are not accepted as substitutes for the identification document;

- Double-sided Undergraduate Diploma (master's and doctoral students);

- Master Diploma front and back (PhD students);

- Declaration of "nothing in" from the UFG Library;

- For foreign students with temporary visa, attach valid visa on the date of the defense;

- For foreign students with permanent visa, the undergraduate diploma, required by item IV of the General Regulations, must be duly revalidated and / or recognized by an accredited institution in Brazil;

- For foreign students who have completed the graduate course through agreements (co-tutelle or other international agreements), to insert cooperation agreement.

Note : The need to send the scanned documents by email is justified by the implementation of the digital process system at UFG (SEI). The presentation of the originals in the registry remains mandatory, as it is necessary for the authenticity verification of the same ones. 

Dissertation / Thesis Cover Template

The diploma is withdrawn by the student at the CGA Coordination of Dispatch and Registration of Diplomas - Rectory (phone: 3521-1120).