
Updated at 10/01/19 09:38

The Graduate Program in Chemistry UFG Chemistry Institute at Masters level was established in 1999, which in its 16 years of existence has trained about 240 teachers. For years the newly formed teachers in IQ-UFG sought for doctoral programs in the country, which meant that many had to move to other cities. However, many of the trained teachers have not had the opportunity to move to other centers and has since charged the IQ-UFG faculty to create a graduate school that could meet their training needs. This reality was common in UFG in UFU and UFMS and with the willingness of teachers to meet this demand and at the same time, improve their technical production / scientific, in 2006 was begun to Multiinstitutional Doctoral Program in Chemistry UFG, UFMS and UFU.

The creation of Multiinstitutional Doctoral Program, assured the permanence of students in the same institution and positively affected the scientific production, enabling the master's degree, which in 2006 had 3 concept, reached grade 4 early as the next triennial review. The growth of scientific production of teachers was so great that from 2006 to 2013 the number of IQ-UFG CNPq productivity scholarship increased from 02 to 10 researchers. Having Multiinstitutional Doctoral Program fulfilled chemistry with his role starting the training of doctors and enhance technical / scientific production of the supervisors involved, the institutions involved have requested the break to CAPES, as had the conditions for the creation of master courses and doctorate in each institution UFG, UFU and UFMS.

The Graduate Program in IQ-UFG Chemistry entered the doctoral level in 2013, with the recommendation of the Capes and note 4. The incorporation of the doctoral level in IQ-UFG Program in 2013 occurred with the migration of 50 students enrolled the old Multiinstitutional Doctorate for the new program. For the operation of the broad program (Masters and PhD) Graduate in Chemistry, was drafted a new regulation course, new standards of accreditation and disqualification, standards for curriculum payment, as well as regulations for course level change without defense Masters dissertation.

The program currently has 22 permanent faculty members. The total number of students currently enrolled is 146 students, 97 doctoral students and 49 master students.